Welcome to the library! This website is a spot for everything you will need as a student worker for the Irving Shapiro Library at the American Academy of Art.
You should get in the habit of logging into the website every time you work a shift so that you track what you did for the day in your Daily Log. It's also a great tool if you don't remember how to do a certain task, or have a question when the librarian is unavailable.
Need help conducting research, finding a book, or writing? Contact the library!
Email: Librarian@aaart.edu
Phone: 312-697-3149
or stop by!
Library Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:45 am - 5 pm
Located in the Irving Shapiro Library, the WRC is available to help students with their grammar, spelling, citations, and more.
This page provides helpful information about our databases, research, and citation. If you need help with doing research, contact the librarian.
“I can’t log into the database, what’s the password?”
“The temperature is really cold / hot”
"OOPs! There was a spill"
“I have an MLA question…”
"Can I use a required textbook / reference book?"
The printer is jammed.
Students being loud.
For paper and other supplies, dial 0 and have the receptionist page a student worker. You may also be able to reach them directly by calling the supply room, ext. 127.
For copier, printer, or network problems, contact IT at ext. 168. Please be sure to record these in your daily log, too.
If you have an emergency, contact Duncan Webb, Academic Dean at ext. 124 or text the librarian.
If you have any problems, questions, or concerns, please put them in your daily log and the librarian will respond during their next shift.